Sunday, April 19, 2009

Four days...

Hey kids.
Make sure that Tess and Adrienne have your program stuff, because as of tomorrow during 2nd period, Tess will be starting to work on it. This should include Cast/characters, time period/setting, and a brief paragraph explaining your inspiration, vision, etc. and any special thanks you have.

This week, your actors should run the show as if they are performing for an audience. Do not feed them lines or interrupt them for notes. Please write your notes down and either give them in person, or post them. If you are going to post them, make them appropriate and constructive. They should be using props and be in costume, if possible. Waiting until Thursday to do costumes will be a mistake. Seriously.

Also, get your ticket requests in. Michael will be starting to count numbers during class tomorrow.

Be sure to thank your tech crew, Mr. Moore, Mr. D and Mr. Harding for the long hours they have put in over the past few days. A small thank you will go a long way!!!!!!!


  1. ay ay captain, i will work on it during that period, should i bring my laptop? i will anways, i have gotten most peoples i dont know if i got everybody's yet i will re-check, anybody else really excited for this? because i know i am

  2. i cant believe its so soon. im nervous. my cue to cue went okay. i had some numbers wrong. epic fail. i dont even know how that happened. im the worst.

  3. It's so soon! Can't nervous !!!!

  4. Word Chieftess, hope all goes well and I will definitely be back by Tuesday so I will definitely be back in time for the running of the play.
    By the way, just so I don't get into any trouble, can you possibly read Danielle and I's thing for the program just to make sure we didn't write anything bad, thanks and I'll check you on tuesday.

  5. mike run your lines i wont take u not knowing them anymore...your the man make it happen

  6. hahaha matt.
    it's INSANE that the clock says 3 days!
    I'm excited to be able to sit back and let them do their thing! That's terrifying but I think we're there...if I truly trust them...I think they'll follow through! At this point, since it's time for the actors to make it happen on their own, the only thing I feel that's left for me to worry about to make happen is possibly practice for the tech crew! I tried to keep it simple? But, probably didn't...I'll be frank. So, I just want them to have the chance to practicing running through the cues. Is that possible? Other than that...I may be too laid back mentally at this point. (But, I'll wait till rehearsal to make that call)

  7. Canada Dry in Canada is wayyy tastier than in the states.

  8. haha...really??
    what happens if we left out important thank yous after going from draft to draft??? it's not ok. i feel terrible!

  9. sean i think our thing was fine! i'm really excited for this whole thing to start.

    OH! i'm going to bring it up at practice tomorrow but would anyone mind if my my parents came to the dress rehearsal on thursday? they're going to be away for the weekend and they really want to see it. they will be quiet i promise!

  10. sean i think our thing was fine! i'm really excited for this whole thing to start.

    OH! i'm going to bring it up at practice tomorrow but would anyone mind if my my parents came to the dress rehearsal on thursday? they're going to be away for the weekend and they really want to see it. they will be quiet i promise!

  11. so my rehearsal was today. and i must say it went swimmingly. sometimes some people were early and stuff. but all in all it was good :) huge relief

  12. How did my runthroughs go yesterday, people who saw them?

    And also Chris is going to show up for the dress rehearsal on Thursday in case I had to alert people.

  13. Sasha initiated an impromptu rehearsal on chorus tour. Being the diligent, battle-ready director I am, I swiftly produced a script and began. We soon gathered Don, and Joe eventually joined in. W ran all of their lines. I love my actors.

  14. I am nervous for rehersal tomorrow! I hope all goes well. And I hope our cast brings in their costumes if we didn't have them for them already. Other then that I think it will be fine. Tess and I practiced our spot lights today which went relatively well. We are a little unsteady handwise and the spot light is ten times bigger then I am("Do you need a box to stand on?"-Mr. Harding) but I have faith!

  15. SOOO yeah.... i'm not in school which is deff pushing me back some but thats ok... i'm excited to see this show work... like 10 plays... we can do it because we are pennington's finest

  16. wait who's teching/rehearsing today? andre are you?

  17. Mr. Harding is a frightening individual, and by the way I just want to make a general announcement that today DARBY, again that's DARBY O'HARA, broke the manequin today, again that's DARBY O'HARA, thank you, that is all.....

  18. Watch out for the powder inside the mannequin. Andre and I think it might be arsenic or cyanide.

    Andre- check with Mr. Moore/Mr. D and Mr. Harding about how your run went today.
    Sam - I heard yours was fine.

    Tess/Adrienne-I think your practice was great and Mr. Harding built you a box, Ad.
