Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Proper Screen Names

Please take the time, if you haven't already, to make sure your screen name for this blog is your real first name, last name or full name if you wish. No nicknames, aliases, etc.

Thank You


  1. Kenny has the deepest voice of all. He should run a jazz radio station, or maybe a love making tip hour on public radio.

  2. i wasn't at callbacks, but i heard they all went well and sean and i talked and cast our show in a way we're pretty excited about.
    (for mr d since he's not here...)
    martin: jarred
    joe: yosup
    mo: tom p
    announcer: sathya
    flisk: Kenny

  3. I didn't have callbacks today, but I hope they went really well.
    I casted my play and I'm extremely excited also !!

  4. I'm also really excited about how we ended up casting our play. We put Charlie in the Chris Joy role and Dillon as yours truly, just because their auditions were borderline perfect.
    One more thing, thanks a lot to Sean for ruining our QC run

  5. I kind of like the whole mystery behind the screen name though....

  6. Let's I ultimately recruited Luke to come to callbacks and humor me by reading for Reece. It went really well, I think he could really pull it off. But he's making me nervous teetering on the fence so much. I cast him with Charlie being an awesome let's see what happens. Ali committed to my play as well, so two successful recruitments (I hope!)
    I'm excited! Nervous, because I get flustered easily, but excited!!

  7. Well, can I just say that sparks flew and emotions ran high when Stephanie and Nick did a mini scene together? Needless to say, Nick is James and Stephanie is Jenny. FABULOUS. Stephanie is my favorite. I think callbacks went swimmingly. I didn't really have sides for the actors to do because I based it off of Darby's side. But there's no doubt in me mind that they were the right choices. P.s mr moore (kyle) i'm sorry my cast list was late i got home later than expected :(
    I enjoy this blog. By the way tomorrow we're just reading through right? I dont know what to do...there's a lot of stage direction to read for mine...IM FAILING ALREADY

  8. p.s. kenny as mr can't go wrong.

  9. But I LOVE MY NAME!!!! .... p.s. i'm going to be the serious one who is a downer... we need to be more organized and communicate more because no one knew that Mike had cast his and that time went unused because no one's people were there. which meant we had to discuss at 5:30 when my bus came... and i missed the bus which is why i was at school till 8:20

  10. Saddest story of my life andre. I agree. Callbacks went well. There were a million people. Colleen, I agree Stephanie is the cutest individual that has ever graced the Pennington Stage. And Sean, Kenny is rather seductive and that is why we cast him as one of the gents that seduces Sathya away from poor Tommy P. I'm really excited to read through everyone's plays today because I really don't know what most peoples are about!

  11. I also agree, organization is key; however, hindsight is 50/50. From now on we should all plan to meet before "events" happen. Therefore, we can all be on the same page. I am looking forward to today's first read-thru.
