Thursday, April 23, 2009

You Made It!

Hey guys. You made it to opening night! Congratulations.
Last minute details...
I will need a few of you to usher, show people to seats, etc. Sean is managing tickets in the lobby. Yikes.
Remember that Sat. night is strike. That's an important thing in Pennington Drama, so don't flake out on me yet.

From what I saw this afternoon (end of Kacie's/Matt's/Darby's/Sean's) the show looks awesome. Lucy wouldn't let me leave. I am excited to see your work.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

As for a gift for Mr. Harding please consider (aka: get him) a script light.
-Tomorrow's rehearsal will be filmed
-No extra help
-The sooner we start the sooner we end
-Everyone will stay to the end

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

-Some of you need to get your act together! It's embarrassing to the show, to myself and Mr. D, and the other directors.
-Also, the drama NEEDS to stop. You are acting absolutely silly and ridiculous over completely petty things

-Have confidence in each other and in the shows...they will be amazing!

-Dressing room: keep it organized check. Make sure your actors put their things next to your coat hanger marker. Also check the for your things on the "randomness" rack

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Four days...

Hey kids.
Make sure that Tess and Adrienne have your program stuff, because as of tomorrow during 2nd period, Tess will be starting to work on it. This should include Cast/characters, time period/setting, and a brief paragraph explaining your inspiration, vision, etc. and any special thanks you have.

This week, your actors should run the show as if they are performing for an audience. Do not feed them lines or interrupt them for notes. Please write your notes down and either give them in person, or post them. If you are going to post them, make them appropriate and constructive. They should be using props and be in costume, if possible. Waiting until Thursday to do costumes will be a mistake. Seriously.

Also, get your ticket requests in. Michael will be starting to count numbers during class tomorrow.

Be sure to thank your tech crew, Mr. Moore, Mr. D and Mr. Harding for the long hours they have put in over the past few days. A small thank you will go a long way!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

-Make sure you have everything ready for tomorrow's cue-to-cue: your ideas, thoughts, dreams, and knowledge of what you want.
-Spike your scene/play before the cue-to-cue
-Don't forget to reserve your tickets NOW
-Costumes- remind your actors!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


-Cue-to-cue tomorrow- come prepared with everything ready! Transitions, etc...
-Make sure you "spiked" your scenes before the cue-to-cue tomorrow!
-Props should be ready in the dressing room. Keep props to minimum: it will be one less thing to worry about
-Tell your actors to get their costumes together
-Note: if you get things done now- it will be less to stress about later
-You are in the blackbox one more time- use it wisely- try and run it straight through, no stops, once more.
-EVERYONE must be at ALL the dress rehearsals and at both shows.