Wednesday, April 15, 2009


-Cue-to-cue tomorrow- come prepared with everything ready! Transitions, etc...
-Make sure you "spiked" your scenes before the cue-to-cue tomorrow!
-Props should be ready in the dressing room. Keep props to minimum: it will be one less thing to worry about
-Tell your actors to get their costumes together
-Note: if you get things done now- it will be less to stress about later
-You are in the blackbox one more time- use it wisely- try and run it straight through, no stops, once more.
-EVERYONE must be at ALL the dress rehearsals and at both shows.


  1. Yo word. Looking forward to the final rehearsal for Thomas~ and Jared will actually be rapping over beats and the Sh*ts GONNA GET REAL!! CAN YOU DIG IT!?!?!?!

  2. we told all our actors what they need for costumes and thats all set. the only thing is we haven't spiked yet because we haven't been in there since we started that and we have to center the marks in light and such. but other than that we are ready to go!!

  3. i dont know what i am doing right now i need information tomorrow

  4. matt and sam are flipping cue-to-cue spots so matt can make it to the BB after his LAX game tomorrow.
    Matt = tomorrow
    Sam = Friday

  5. so.... i didn't spike my scene yet because we've only done it once with the real lighting and spacing... help?

  6. adgie and i are set with spiking, we need to bring the other spot over tomorrow or friday, we are gonna do the spot lights ourselves, we got the music in so its all good so far

  7. I won't be going over what I've yet to do...the list is longer than our into blogs from forever! That's scary. But we made great progress today...having successfully run the show and by that I mean going through vaguely from beginning to the very end! ...for the first time. ever. Also, I've officially set up an additional rehearsal for this Saturday evening so that we can have more time that we can dedicate to running things, and cleaning things, tweeking things, etc. without the rush of blackbox time! I have high hopes for Saturday. Lighting will be very interesting since I've yet to even think that over. I'm hoping to use some class time to take a look at that. WE WILL SEE!

  8. ut-o, like no one has brought in their costumes...eek.
    tess, we need to get our popcorn bags and a bag or two of popcorn(pre-popped).

  9. Costumes need to be in ASAP. All directors need to check on their costumes on Monday (non-chorus) or Tuesday (chorus).
    Don't leave it until Thursday, that is too late. Get people in clothes soon.

  10. Andre and McGabai-
    Don't spike anything -- see if you can use other spike marks from the 8 billion marks on the floor. Most of them would coordinate with something in your scenes. I hope.

  11. i've been asking my cast to bring in costumes for years. it hasnt happened yet. dear props, i hate you. PROPS ARE SO OBNOXIOUS. hey do you think i need a blanket for his bed?...or can i just leave that out..


  12. I don't get the titles to these blogs !
