Thursday, April 23, 2009

You Made It!

Hey guys. You made it to opening night! Congratulations.
Last minute details...
I will need a few of you to usher, show people to seats, etc. Sean is managing tickets in the lobby. Yikes.
Remember that Sat. night is strike. That's an important thing in Pennington Drama, so don't flake out on me yet.

From what I saw this afternoon (end of Kacie's/Matt's/Darby's/Sean's) the show looks awesome. Lucy wouldn't let me leave. I am excited to see your work.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

As for a gift for Mr. Harding please consider (aka: get him) a script light.
-Tomorrow's rehearsal will be filmed
-No extra help
-The sooner we start the sooner we end
-Everyone will stay to the end

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

-Some of you need to get your act together! It's embarrassing to the show, to myself and Mr. D, and the other directors.
-Also, the drama NEEDS to stop. You are acting absolutely silly and ridiculous over completely petty things

-Have confidence in each other and in the shows...they will be amazing!

-Dressing room: keep it organized check. Make sure your actors put their things next to your coat hanger marker. Also check the for your things on the "randomness" rack

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Four days...

Hey kids.
Make sure that Tess and Adrienne have your program stuff, because as of tomorrow during 2nd period, Tess will be starting to work on it. This should include Cast/characters, time period/setting, and a brief paragraph explaining your inspiration, vision, etc. and any special thanks you have.

This week, your actors should run the show as if they are performing for an audience. Do not feed them lines or interrupt them for notes. Please write your notes down and either give them in person, or post them. If you are going to post them, make them appropriate and constructive. They should be using props and be in costume, if possible. Waiting until Thursday to do costumes will be a mistake. Seriously.

Also, get your ticket requests in. Michael will be starting to count numbers during class tomorrow.

Be sure to thank your tech crew, Mr. Moore, Mr. D and Mr. Harding for the long hours they have put in over the past few days. A small thank you will go a long way!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

-Make sure you have everything ready for tomorrow's cue-to-cue: your ideas, thoughts, dreams, and knowledge of what you want.
-Spike your scene/play before the cue-to-cue
-Don't forget to reserve your tickets NOW
-Costumes- remind your actors!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


-Cue-to-cue tomorrow- come prepared with everything ready! Transitions, etc...
-Make sure you "spiked" your scenes before the cue-to-cue tomorrow!
-Props should be ready in the dressing room. Keep props to minimum: it will be one less thing to worry about
-Tell your actors to get their costumes together
-Note: if you get things done now- it will be less to stress about later
-You are in the blackbox one more time- use it wisely- try and run it straight through, no stops, once more.
-EVERYONE must be at ALL the dress rehearsals and at both shows.

From: Mr. Harding

Spring Plays 2009 “Popcorn and Soda”

For the cue-2-cue, please have no actors in the theatre as they will only get in the way of various techies and the lift. Directors should sit in the audience with their scripts and a pencil ready. Have ALL of your music, projections and any other media ready to go. Please, have all of your lighting, Props and set change cues ready as well. The more prepared you are as a director, the easier it will be for everyone. Thanks!

Thursday, April 16th CUE-2-CUE ORDER:
1. Sarah Gardineer
2. Andre Jackson
3. Danielle Gabai & Sean McCarthy
4. Tess Kaytmaz & Adrienne Ervin
5. Sam Tydings & Chris Joy

Friday, April 17th CUE-2-CUE ORDER:
1. Kacie Friedman
2. Darby O'Hara
3. Michael Bennett
4. Colleen Wolters
5. Matt Liwosz

"A" rehearsal will start at 3:15
"B" rehearsal will start after dinner.

Show A, Friday April 24th:
1. Tess Kaytmaz & Adrienne Ervin
2. Kacie Friedman
3. Matt Liwosz
4. Darby O'Hara
5. Sean McCarthy & Danielle Gabai

Show B, Saturday April 25th:
1. Sarah Gardineer
2. Andre Jackson
3. Michael Bennett
4. Colleen Wolters
5. Sam Tydings & Chris Joy

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"Did you just spit a noodle on my shoe?"

CUE-TO-CUE Thursday 4/16

CUE-TO-CUE Friday 4/17

Monday 4/20

Tuesday 4/21

Wednesday 4/22

Thursday 4/23
After school 3:15-5:30
Tess Kaytmaz & Adrienne Ervin
Kacie Friedman
Matt Liwosz
Darby O'Hara
Sean McCarthy & Danielle Gabai

After dinner 6:15-8:30
Sarah Gardineer
Andre Jackson
Michael Bennett
Colleen Wolters
Sam Tydings & Chris Joy

EVERYONE MUST STAY TO THE END- due to striking and getting everything ready!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

"you should write that down for later use."

1.If possible, keep in contact with your actors to make sure that they are keeping up with their responsibilities

2.Music and sound effects has to be given to Mr. Harding by Wednesday

3.Tuesday and Wedenesday will be G,H, and I...both days...everyone will have one more day in the blackbox before the performance

4.Thursday and Friday are cue-to-cue: Directors only!

Show A, Friday April 24th:
Tess Kaytmaz & Adrienne Ervin
Kacie Friedman
Matt Liwosz
Darby O'Hara
Sean McCarthy & Danielle Gabai

Show B, Saturday April 25th:
Sarah Gardineer
Andre Jackson
Michael Bennett
Colleen Wolters
Sam Tydings & Chris Joy

Next Week...

When you get back on Tuesday, you've got to hit the ground running.
All cast members need to be here all the time -- Mr. D and Mr. Moore will assign points to no-shows.
All of your sound and projections need to be into Mr. Harding by Wed. (Colleen and Sam, start nagging)
All of your lighting cues should be written into your scripts before you come in to cue to cue. (See Ms. Houston immediately if you don't know how to put that in writing).
All lines need to be learned (6th period, I am talking to you on behalf of Matt "Full-Bore" Liwosz)

I looked back at the jobs and Ermaz is in charge of the program. So, all of your program info. needs to be into Adrienne and Tess by Friday morning, April 17th at 8 a.m. That way it's in before chorus tour and they have time to lay out two programs and copy them, etc. Ermaz, we will go over this in 2nd period sometime next week.

Directors: What they need from you is the title of your show; a cast/character list; setting/time period listing; a director's note which should contain your inspiration/thoughts on the show - why you wrote it, what your vision/intention was, etc. and any special thanks you might have. You can use old Pennington Drama programs as a model. Each show will get one half of an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper for their program stuff. So, be specific and brief. People in class with me will be graded on their director's note. Seriously.

Sean and Mike will be handling tickets next week. We will take reservations only; more to come on that next week.

Matt and Sarah - make sure all the directors have all the set pieces they need. Talk to Mr. Harding to make sure.

Kacie - likewise with props.

If anyone needs things purchased for them (I only know of sweatshirts/iron ons for Kacie)... Tell me via email by this Monday, April 13th. I will be shopping on that day.

Happy Holidays. LH

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

lmbo, brb, btw, wtf, totes magoats, brosenberg, etc

1. Darby we need the attendence as soon as you finish it.

2. Tomorrow Mr. D and I will be writing up students that come in late without notes, or that leave practice without permission or don't show up to practice without emailing us

3. We are collecting ipods, iphones, cell phones, MP3 players, gameboys, gamegear, pet rocks, mood rings, tacamocochi, calculator watches, pagers, laptops, dvd players, television watches, portable televisions, itouch, x-ray glasses or any other electronic devices FROM EVERYONE! No exceptions!

4. "No ifs, ands, or you have it, GUTS!"

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

character: "wait...what" (insert nervous laugh)

Motivational Quote:
"fifty told me. go 'head switch the style up'...
And if they hate then let 'em hate
and watch the money pile up."

1. Start rehearsing with the stage lights on. I will focus the actors. Mr. D, "It will give it a vibe."

2. We will be playing music in the black box during the warm up in order to focus the actors.

3. and...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Some Important Points to Live By...

  1. Keep in mind that performing arts are like rubber....FLEXIBLE!!!  If you've ever seen "Gumby," that's what we're looking for... 
  2. With Passover starting on Wednesday evening, we will be shifting the Black Box schedule a bit this week.  As of this posting, Wednesday's Black Box schedule is "B-A-C."  Kacie is looking to switch her Thursday slot with someone for a Wednesday slot.  Contact Kacie if you can; make sure you let Darby know so that master schedule is updated.  
  3. T-SHIRTS!!!  If you want T-shirts made, the directors need to get on it.  Its not like we can order them a week in advance.  I do not have a record of who is in charge of getting the T-shirts, but this needs to get moving FAST!
  4. If you have not given me your director's bio, get it to me this week, otherwise you'll be left off the display on play weekend.  
  5. On Wednesday, April 15th the Black Box will be reserved in smaller slots to tweak particular acts, scenes, etc.  Sign up with Darby for 20 minute slots.  Each director is allowed ONE slot only.    
  6. Cue-to-Cue tech rehearsals will be Thursday and Friday, 4/16 and 4/17.  Directors only need to be present, no actors needed.  
  7. The week of  Monday, 4/20, will be as follows: 
  • Monday, 4/20 - Black Box: Tess, Sean, Sam
  • Tuesday, 4/21 - Black Box: Andre, Sarah, Darby
  • Wednesday, 4/22 - Black Box: Kacie, Colleen, Bennett
  • Thursday, 4/23 - DRESS REHEARSALS:  Friday night show @3:15, Saturday night show @after dinner.  PLAN TO STAY LATE THAT NIGHT!
  • Friday, 4/24 - Call time @ 5:30pm, Show time @ 7pm
  • Saturday, 4/25 -Call time @5:30pm, Show time @ 7pm.  
Last, but not least, order of plays for both nights will be posted on the blog on Thursday evening.  

Case of the Mondays

My day started off sad: monday, rain, clouds, ripped pants, missed belt loop, and a pull in my tie... but then I came to play practice.

1. Timed plays (for our use):
Andre: 18:00
Sarah: 12:00
Kacie: 13:00

2. Where is everyone? If you are going to miss a practice please let Mr. D or I know. We will be handing out points for those of you who were not here without (what we determine to be) a legitimate excuse.

3. Your actors need to be speaking loudly and clearly

Friday, April 3, 2009

Rehearsal: for running things one more time

-If you did not get Mr. D or I a list of your final cast list along with those students that are going to be on the chorus tour, you need to get it to us immediately.

-Directors Bio's need to get to Mr. D Monday.

-Get your costumes together

-Finalize your blocking

Thursday, April 2, 2009


To respond to Sam's question, the t-shirt can be anything you want it to be (within reason, of course). But, we need to get a move on with it. So, one of you needs to collect sizes and someone needs to create a design. We have billed this show as Spring Play X: Ten Plays in Two Days -- so that should be somewhere on the shirt, obviously.

In terms of blocking, here are my suggestions. What I am noticing from Matt's play, which is the only one I am able to see at this point, is that the characters are not always taking time to listen and respond. I can only guess that that might be happening in the other shows. Make sure that is happening in your shows. Even the comedic shows have characters that listen to each other and respond. Look for trigger words in your text for clues about when characters need to move. If a character is changing their emotion ("How could you say that to me?"), saying something involving movement (like "I'm going to go now"), or trying to get a response from their scene partner ("Are you ok?"), that would be a sign that moving has to happen. Don't rush through these pieces. Take your time watching, take notes and be very clear in your directives. Telling them to "slow down" is not as helpful as telling them to "think it over, like you would think over an important decision" -- or saying something like "say it like a crazy person" is not as descriptive as saying "say it like Ms. Houston when she blacks out in a fit of rage at us for using our cellphones in class". Get it? Got it. Good.

After Monday, Mr. Moore, Mr. D. and I will make the order for the shows. The only conflict we have heard is that Ermaz is going first on Friday. We will make an initial order, and then have you and the actors check it for issues like someone doing two very large roles back to back or weird costume changes, etc.

Also, please use spike tape (get it from Harding) to spike out the furniture for your shows. Please use different colors, if at all possible, but I am not sure that spike tape comes in ten colors. So, just be aware of who is using what mark, etc. If you are confused, please see me.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


a. BLOCKING! You all have great ideas for your plays. Mr. D and I understand your ideas because of how many times we have read your plays. BUT, the actors do not necesarily understand you "vision". Please describe to them what you see, what you think. They need to know what they are doing (check their scripts if you need to!). It wastes time to keep correcting them in the Black Box. "Outside time" would be the best time for you to desribe this to them.


c. We will be timing your plays on Monday to see the approximate run time.

Spring is in the Air; Well, not Today...

So, to address some comments from yesterday:

1) Great to hear that some actors are off-book. Keep pressing them. It will be worth it in the end if people are truly solid on their lines.
2) It is hard to keep people from getting distracted when it is post-spring break. That's why we shortened the whole process. It is truly difficult. The more organized the directors can be about the hallway/outside time, the better. Gather props, have people try on costumes, communicate with each other about things other directors might lead or help with.
3) Outside can be a difficult rehearsal space; just stay firm with your actors about their behavior outside.
Once the re-visit days are over, the gallery will be clear again and you all can also use that space.

Did you all decide on a schedule of who runs warm-ups and hallway things? This could be helpful.
Also, did Mr. Moore or I tell anyone who might design, organize and order a t-shirt? Talk to me if you think it is you. Also, directors who have "technical" jobs like music, projections, etc, talk to Mr. Harding and tell him you are in charge of collecting CDs, songlists, DVDs, set pieces, props for all plays. You are then to be the "Naggers" so to speak and make sure all the directors are getting their acts together.
Thanks, guys.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

First Day BACK!

As stated before, a leader AND activity should be decided on BEFORE 3:15! As directors, it would be convenient and responsible to come up with a schedule.


1. Did anyone else feel like the actors didn't memorize their lines over break?

2. How did working outside go?

3. Was everyone able to talk to your actors?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

auTHORITY Thursday

Everyone: great job today! I think the games went very well and the entire cast had alot of fun. I saw some directors step up to the spot of being in charge and using their "authority." It is difficult situation to get used to, but I have faith in you all.

Remember, it would be great/grand/wonderful to send your cast a reminder email over the break to check up on them. Remind them to review their srcipts, lines, and blocking.

I hope everyone enjoys their break.

California Time

Andre - The posts are posted on Pacific Time (California Time), so just subtract three hours. Last year, Ms. V used to post everything at 7:30 in the morning so it would show up as 4:30. People thought she was pulling all-nighters.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Phone Numbers

Please put your telephone number below so Kacie can make a contact sheet for Directors!

Thanks "<3"

First Week of the Blackbox

Indeed, one week meown and three-ish to go.

-Mary Clancy Healey is no longer in the plays, please remove her and replace her with another actor (if necessary).
-Blackbox Directors: Good work today! Make sure you are directing while sitting down (I think that is want Ms. Howston wants you to do)
-An email has been sent: I will be discussing with the other Advisors the "leaving early dilemma"
-Next time you meet with your actors make sure they WROTE the stage directions DOWN. I saw alot of actors (not just today) not writing anything down. I fear that they did not think to write anything down.

To Adrienne, but also to All

I originally intended this to be a comment, but it got too long.

Adrienne and others-You can always pull chairs out of the bbox to use - as long as they put them back in at the end of the day. Once the weather improves, it should be easier. Use the gallery as a secondary location. For now, the floor space in there is clear, so you can possibly stage some shows in there. Also, you can have them do some sort of exercise where they improv, or even script the entire night at the movies for each small group - like, what is being said when they are supposed to be frozen, etc. Or just run lines, ask them for costume ideas, make a props list with their help. Run lines with them for other shows. Another idea would be to do what you can, have them work silently on homework, and you and Tess work on highlighting a script for Amanda.
For all regarding Hallway time:Use this time wisely in the hallway. Have a plan. I have about 20 books of games and exercises. The shows I have directed when we did fun games and improvy things, are the strongest shows. So, go through the books and play games with the kids in the hallway. I always have most of my classes (except for Darby) begging to do improv games and theatre games. Make it fun and purposeful. I would prefer that you keep people around and have them do school work, rather than letting them roam free and mistakenly overlook that other directors might need them.

Cleanliness - Respecting the Space

Many of you over the years have heard me referring to the concept of "respecting the space." Some would even go as far as relating a theatre and its associated spaces with a church, cathedral, synogogue, etc.

That being said, I would really appreciate it if you could assign a director, cast or whomever, to be the last one out of the Blackbox and the hallway and do a sweep/clean up of those areas. I realize that other groups use the space after you, sometimes, so I am not going to jump to conclusions and blame you for all messes. However, the past two days, things were left in undesirable condition - papers and drink bottles left behind, copies of people's scripts left behind, recycling mixed in with garbage and vice/versa. The hallway counts as our space, too (as well as the dressing room.) It is not Mr. Moore's or Mr. D.'s job to be your personal maid.

Please make sure to tackle this issue. What would work easiest, I think, is that the last cast and director to use the BBox be the clean up people on each rehearsal day. I want to hear that you are all in agreement on this.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

1. "Can we leave?" Yes, you may! We are hoping that you can get the small stuff/ basic things done now, just in case something large comes up later. Think really hard about the things you can get done.

A. Example: Look at your actor's notes and see if they are writing down the blocking and understanding what is going on.

B. Example: Run through your play in the gallery.

2. Those that are in charge of spring play shirts and programs/play bills. See Ms. Hall about them, she will give you lots of helpful advise.

3. If you did not receive a Blackbox schedule please come to me and and get a copy meow.

Houston's Take on Days 1 and 2

Sorry for not being on here yesterday.
It sounds like things are getting done.
Here is a proposal for getting things done in the hallway...
1) We will now try to have the gallery open, which is a more conducive space for going over things with actors.
2) Do a characterization exercise with whoever you have. Or team up and lead one with all the extras in the hallway covering all the characters they play in all the shows. It makes a huge difference for some of the background characters to know their name, where they come from, etc. I have sheets if you need them.
3) Do line thrus or run thrus with other actors standing in for your missing actors. Take care of each others' shows, too, so if there are five directors in the hall, run those five shows.

Time is of the essence. Seriously. You shouldn't be cutting out or leaving because you only have one actor in the hallway. Work with that one person, help other directors, pull costumes, make a props list, etc.

Modeling is important. If you choose to leave, your actors will, too. Stay through the rehearsals.

Mr. Moore keeps repeating the idea of being prepared. This means having what you are going to do with your actors on paper or in your head.

Mr. Harding needs things from you. Mr. Moore has more specifics on needs, projection needs, sound, and props.

Colleen - I can help you tomorrow during 8th or 6th. Mike, you too (if you still need me to look at your minion lines).

Have fun on Day 2.

Monday, March 9, 2009


-Find your authority! Due to the lack of sufficient time in the Blackbox you must keep your actors focused. Please control your cast both on and off the "stage". Sometimes you have to be the nagging teacher that you never liked.
-Watch your language! The actors will follow your lead!
-Respect other director's rehearsals. Do not be loud in the Blackbox or bring your actors in early.
-I know the first day puts lot on your plate, but for future rehearsals, please be more organized. Please have a game plan and have something for the actors to do (especially the extras)
-Speak to everyone in the cast when you are making announcements.

3:15 Warm Up
3:30- 4:05 Group 1
4:10-4:45 Group 2
4:50-5:25 Group 3

-Watch the actors blocking! Some of them may not know anything about theater (that is meant with not offensive)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Upcoming Week

This upcoming week is very important. As everyone can see, there is only a certain amount of days left until Opening Night 1 and Opening Night 2. After we come back, we will have shaved off 14 days from that convenient meter. It will be important to portray the urgency of the situation AND the convenience of Spring Break. Communicate to the actors the importance of utilizing this time (This means less creeping on Facebook). The actors SHOULD be memorizing their lines and getting ready for the hectic upcoming weeks.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Keep in Mind...

Ok. Thanks for blogging. Hopefully, things will smooth out with the "drama" of people getting cast or not getting cast. Everyone who sticks it out and gives it a chance will see that they have plenty to do. The more you can rise above the commentary and the "he said/she said" the better. Make people feel like they have a purpose and are essential to the success of your show and they will be just that: essential and purposeful.
Also, going into your first rehearsal, you should be as clear as possible about your set design. How you are using the space. You should avoid internal set changes at all costs! These plays are too short to have major set changes. Moving chairs or a stool or something is fine - and it should be rehearsed from the get-go to make it part of the action. Moving the casket or tables or desks is completely unecessary and distracting -- remember from last year, or even the tornado reverse in Oz - set changes can kill a show. You have half the floor space of the BBox to use and you can totally isolate characters, etc. with lighting and acting. If you are confused or need help, please ask for help. Mr. Moore, Mr. Harding, or I can help you.

Also, when we set a deadline for anything in the future is is a hard and fast deadline. Mr. Moore said that many of your cast lists came in late the other night. That is not ok. If any of you miss a future deadline for anything (props list, program, whatever), WE WILL NOT DO YOUR PLAY! Take the deadlines seriously. The clock is ticking.

I wholeheartedly agree with Mr. D's statement about encouraging each other and being productive in your discussion. Well done! I'm excited.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


1. Great Job today! I thought things went well and everyone adapted great to the situation (Boo Triangle). It was exciting to hear everyone's play read out loud (Yeah You). Everyone casted great actors, who (hopefully) will be able to fit your vision for each part.

2. The Blackbox usage schedule (BUS) will be available by Monday.

3. I will have the list of student's phone numbers for each play/director along with an attendance sheet on Monday.

4. Finally, thank you again for those who added actors to their plays, I would imagine that they are very thankful.

Casting and Read Thru

Congratulations on casting your shows. Hopefully, your actors know to come today to a read-thru. Someone (Darby, probably) needs to make an order of how they will be read. Directors can say something brief about their play and read any important stage directions as you go along. You can finish up on Monday. Someone (again, this falls under Darby's job) will also need to give a few ground rules. Like, be at rehearsal, unexcused absences will be given a work detail, bring a pencil. Learn lines quickly, etc. The usual expectations. You must drive home the fact that the rehearsal period is very short - that each play will only have the Blackbox four times before tech week. Things like that. Set a good tone today and come on serious and strong. If you do not, you will constantly be struggling.
Break a leg!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Proper Screen Names

Please take the time, if you haven't already, to make sure your screen name for this blog is your real first name, last name or full name if you wish. No nicknames, aliases, etc.

Thank You

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Call backs

Dear Directors,
Are you sure you didn't want to call everyone back (20/27) (just kidding)? Secondly, please make deadlines from now on. Thank you to those of you that did. Lastly, make sure all of you are not using a select few of the actors in your plays. A couple of the actors name's came up multiple times. Note: it is better to have a dedicated-calm actor than a crazy-stressed actor.

Annoucement for Wednesday:

Will the following students please come to the Blackbox after school tomorrow (Wednesday, March 3rd) for a callback session.

Phil Baldoni
William McComb
Sasha Mesaros
Jared Goeckeler

Yossup Keun
Nick Cavalier
Stephanie Moses
Kenneth Hughes
Ariel Weitz
Eriks Svarebergs

Ali Crivelli
James Fleming
Tom Provine
Lena Welhoffer
Don Nuzzio
Dillon Sternkopf

Maria Kane
Hannah Schindewolf
Charlie Meneghin
Sathya Andavolu

Mr. Moore

Thursday will be a read thru!

Thursday will be the first rehearsal. Please choose a spokes person to communicate how rehearsals will run (three plays per day in BBox, other directors will work with actors in other locations if they are not in BBox plays). Then, you should read thru as many plays as possible, perhaps continuing on Monday, if you don't get thru them all. Do not read thru Mason's! It will take a week!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Tuesday Announcement!

Spring Play auditions will be Tuesday after school in the Blackbox. This will push everything back one day: Callbacks will be on Wednesday, Play Rehearsal Thursday.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Minutes from the Meeting 2/26

-Check the Blog
-Darby and the audition sheets
-What you should look for during auditions:
Use of body/voice
Use of space
-Email call back requests to Mr. Moore by 8pm on Monday
-Email character lists to Ermaz
-Next week:
Monday: Auditions
Tuesday: Callbacks
Wednesday: Decisions
Thursday: Play Rehearsal (Calender)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Remember that starting Monday, you need to check the blog every single day until the show closes. Thanks in advance! Keep recruiting actors for Monday...

Callback schedule

Here is a proposed callbacks schedule. What I am thinking is that we can double up shows to save time. You will have to quickly give out the sides and explain what you are looking for. Then, give them a few minutes to look it over and then start seeing them read for it in pairs or what have you. Be very organized about who you want to see read for what with whom. Stay on schedule.


3:30-3:50 - Andre/Kacie

3:55 - 4:20 - Tess/Adrienne/Sarah

4:20-4:45 - Mason/Mike

4:45-5:05 - Darby/Colleen

5:05-5:30 -- Sam/Chris/Sean

At 5:30, you will have to meet as a group to discuss casting. Mr. Moore will mediate. Please approach casting with an open mind! Historically, we have not made many, if any cuts in the spring. Try to give everyone something who comes out to audition. If there are dead-locks in this process, Mr. Moore and I will have to make the final decisions.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009


The Spring Play advisors have created jobs for each of the Directors to do. If you have any questions about your job please email one of us.

Schedule/communication with actors: creating and keeping the Black Box schedule and ensuring everyone has equal use, in charge of communicating with actors and directors on switches in schedule, etc: Darby

Announcements/publicity/ticket reservations: creating/dealing with posters, the Pennington Voice, etc. to make sure students, faculty, actors know of the Spring Play and the important dates: Bennet and Sean

Program/bulletin board: creating a program for the play and also creating a bulletin board outside of the lecture center. Kaytmaz and Ervin (Ermaz)

Lighting: Gabai

Sound: Colleen

Projections: Sam

Costumes Andre and Gabai

Props: Kacie

Sets: Liwosz and Sarah

Mr. Moore

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Important Date

Dear Directors,
This is a friendly reminder that BOTH a final draft of your script AND sides for call-backs are due on Friday, February 13th. They must be mailed to the following people:,,
Also, attached to this email is a list of important dates for the Spring Play. Please be sure to print it out and add it to your blue Spring Play folder.

Thank You,
Mr. Moore

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Spring Play Meeting!

In an effort to maximize organization and eliminate confusion see the attached document for the correct formatting for your script. It is important to format your header this way in order to streamline edits and assure that all your actors, the tech crew and teachers are reading the same material.

Your final script is due by 3pm on Friday, February 13th. Please make sure you email your final draft to all three of us.

We will be meeting in the Blackbox during break on Monday as well. -md